Academic Services
Editor-In-Chief Cureus Journal of Computer Science. Springer Nature.
Guest editor for a special issue titled “Rejuvenating Enterprise Systems” at the Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems (2019-2020).
Guest editor for a special issue on Enterprise Systems and Gamification at the Systems Journal (2019).
Lead guest editor for a special issue titled “Internet of Things Applications in Healthcare: A Focus on Improving Patient Safety” at the Journal of Healthcare Engineering.
Associate editor for the “Data Science and Predictive Analytics” Track at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) 2018, California, USA.
Associate editor for the book “Handbook of Research on Business Transformations in the Era of Digitalization”, to be published by IGI Global.
Associate editor for the “Success in Digitization Projects” Track and program committee member at the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2018, Portsmouth, UK.
Associate editor for the “Economics and Value of IS” Track and program committee member at the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2017, Barcelona, Spain.
Associate editor for the “Information Systems Development” Track and program committee member for the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2016, Istanbul, Turkey.
Invited and Elected Member of the Academic Advisory Board for Microsoft in the EMEA region since June 2016.
Master and bachelor thesis examiner for several students at the University of Agder and Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge (The University of Southeast Norway), BI Norwegian, Norway.
Editorial board member of the Systems Journal (MDPI).
Editorial board member of the IEEE Transactions on Social Computing journal.
Editorial board member of the International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management (IJISPM).
Editorial board member International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management.
Editorial board member of the Journal of Enterprise Resource Planning Studies (JERPS).
Editorial board member of the Journal of Smart Cities: Challenges and Solutions.
Advisory board member of the International Journal of Internet of Things and Big Data (IJITBD)
Editorial board member of the International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making (IJITDM).
Editorial board member of the Information Resources Management Journal (IRMJ).
Editorial board member of the Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT) journal.
Editorial board member of the International Journal of Business Information Systems (IJBIS).
Editorial board member of the American Journal of Science and Technology.
Editorial board member of the Science, Technology and Development journal.
Editorial board member of the American Journal of Computer Science and Information Engineering.
Board of reviewers- member, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT).
Program committee member, International Conference on IoT and Big Data Security (IoTBDS 2017, Porto, Portugal.
Program committee member, NOKOBIT 2017, Oslo, Norway.
Program committee member, NOKOBIT 2016, Bergen, Norway.
Program committee member, International Conference on IoT and Big Data 2017, Porto, Portugal.
Program committee member, International Conference on IoT and Big Data 2016, Rome, Italy.
Scientific committee board member of the International Conference on Project MANagement (ProjMAN), since 2013.
Program committee member, NOKOBIT 2015, Ålesund, Norway.
Scientific committee member of the Third International Conference on Virtual and Networked Organizations (ViNOrg), Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, November 5-7, 2014.
Served as session chair for several conferences including ECIS, NOKOBIT, CENTERIS, etc.
Reviewer for the Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS).
Reviewer for the Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS).
Reviewer for the Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Journal.
Reviewer for the Journal of Software: Evolution and Process.
Reviewer for Journal of Enterprise Information Management (JEIM).
Reviewer for Journal of Systems and Software (JSS).
Reviewer for the Computer Standards & Interfaces journal.
Reviewer for the Journal of The Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET Software Journal).
Reviewer for Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science (JIDPS).
Board of reviewers- member, 2nd International Conference on Education Reform and Modern Management (ERMM2015).
Board of reviewers- member, Informing Science & IT Education (InSITE).
Board of reviewers- member, EMCIS Conference.
Board of reviewers- member, IBIMA Conference.
Reviewer for the HICSS Conference, Waikoloa, 2016, 2017, 2018.
Reviewer for the ECIS Conference, Munster, 2015.
Reviewer for DESRIST Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 2015.
Reviewer for the ECIS Conference, Tel Aviv, 2013.
Reviewer for the ECIS Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 2012.
Reviewer for the ACIS Conference, Geelong, Australia, 2012
Reviewer for HICSS 44, Kauai, USA, 2011.
Reviewer for NOKOBIT, Tromsø, Norway, 2011.
Reviewer for the ECIS Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 2011.
Reviewer for the IRIS33 Conference, Comwell Rebild Bakker, Denmark, 2010
Reviewer for the IRIS32 Conference, Molde, Norway, 2009
Organizing committee member of The 2nd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV), Cairo, Egypt, 2008.
Organizing committee member of “The Prospects of Arab Economic Cooperation to Boost Savings & Investments” Conference, Alexandria, Egypt, 2004.
Other Activities
Organizer of the yearly PingFin Workshop in Oslo. An International Workshop (and Hackathon) dealing with handling of financial SEPA payments. The workshop runs in Oslo and is coordinated by Westerdals Oslo School of Arts, Communicaton and Technology, Norway, Odisee University College, Brussels, Belgium, Colchester Institute, UK, Faculty of Organization and Informatics, Varazdin, Croatia, Fachhochschukle Salzburg, Austria, and Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology, Malta.
SAP technical contact at Kristiania University College.
Former SAP technical contact at GUC (SAP University Allicance Program technical contact).
First Elected PhD Students’ represntative at the University of Agder’s PhD Committee 2009-2010.
Initiated a student exchange agreement between UiA and GUC which has been approved in spring 2012.
Bulletin Director of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) chapter of Egypt (EAIS).
President of the Management Information Systems Association (MISA) at AAST, 2000-2004.
Former Technical Administrator of the GUC’s Working Papers Database on the University of Connecticut’s (IDEAS- RePEc) database. ( )
Former Web Administrator of the Arabic website of the European Union funded project Accsess e-Gov. ( )
Member of the organizing committee of “The Prospects of Arab Economic Cooperation to Boost Savings & Investments” Conference, Alexandria-2004.
Former committee member of the AAST-MIS Courses Development Committee.
Former committee member of the GUC Research Committee.
Participated in introducing and developing the eCommerce Major for the College of Management & Technology at the Arab Academy for Science & Technology in 2004.
Designed and developed several websites for the AAST and GUC including the departments’ websites.
Designed the MIS department’s students orientation catalogue.
Participated in organizing several Microsoft events, conferences and seminars at the AAST –Miami Campus.
Organized Open Source (OSS) Awareness and “Install Fest” events at the German University in Cairo.
Member of Egyptian Linux Group (EGLUG).
Head of the Association of Egyptians in Norway (Den Egyptisk Forening I Norge).
Alumni in Caritas Middle-East and North Africa Region.
Invited keynote speaker by the General Auditing Bureau of Saudi Arabia to give a talk on Data Analytics Applications in Financial Auditing at the 17th annual seminar arranged by the General Auditing Bureau, 19th April 2020 in Riyadh, KSA. The theme of the seminar will be “the Role of Digital Transformation in Enhancing the Efficiency and Effectiveness of the Public Sector Auditing”.
Invited keynote speaker at BioVision Alexandria 2020 conference “New Life Sciences: Shaping the Future”, which will be held on 9 to 11 April 2020 at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt.
A Keynote Speaker at Bibliotheca Alexandrina at a conference titled “Alexandria Pedagogical Innovation and Technology Enhanced Learning”. The Keynote speech was title “Technologies Shaping the Future”
Research talk on “Text Mining Applications”, Luleå University of Technology, May 22, 2019.
Keynote Speaker at the 8th ICT in Our Lives International Conference. Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt. December 2018.
Invited industrial talk on “The Future of Retail” at the largest retailer in Egypt, HyperOne, December 2018.
Invited research talk on “How to Conduct Systematic Literature Reviews” at the Arab Academy for Science and Technology. December 2018.
Invited industrial talk on IoT Technologies and Applications in Retail Business at HyperOne (the largest retailer in Egypt), December 2018.
Presentation titled “Do Cloud ERP Systems Retire? An ERP Lifecycle Perspective”. CENTERIS 2018, Lisbon, Portugal. November 2018.
Presentation titled “RFID Applications and Adoptions in Healthcare: A Review on Patient Safety”. HcIST 2018, Lisbon, Portugal. November 2018.
Presentation on the “Effectiveness of Traditional Support Structures in ERP Implementations”. Porto, Portugal. November 2018.
Invited guest lecturer on the topic “Data Warehousing and Big Data Analytics” at Oslo Metropolitan University, October 2017.
Invited guest lecturer on the topic “E-Business Strategies and Environment” at Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge (USN), February 2017.
Invited to lecture on some topics in a data analytics summer course 2017 at Oslo Metropolitan University.
Invited talk on “Data Science”, AAST, Alexandria, Egypt, Jan 2017.
Invited Workshop on Enterprise Business Applications, SP Jain, Singapore, October 2016.
Presentation on the “Effectiveness of Traditional Support Structures in ERP Implementations”. Porto, Portugal. October 2016.
Invited talk “Big Data Applications in Smart Cities” at the National University of Singapore (NUS). August 2016.
Invited research talk “Conducting Systematic Literature Reviews- A Practical Approach” at SP Jain School of Global Management, Singapore. August 2016.
Invited speaker and panelist at Bibliotecha Alexanderina Technology Summit 2015 (, the talk’s titled “Big Data and Smart Cities”. Egypt, 2015.
Representing Norway in the “Nordic Education Expo” in Amman, Jordan. October 2015.
“Object Oriented Programming- History and Concepts”- Presentation at University of Agder, 2015.
Invited speaker at Høgskolen Buskerud Og Vestfold. Presentation titles” Big Data Analytics: Opportunities and Challenges” 2015.
Guest Speaker at the German University in Cairo. Talk title “ERP Implementations: Costs, Risks, and Benefits”, February 2015.
Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems (CENTERIS), Algarve, Portugal, October 2015
Cloudberry Data Centers- Cloudberry Datacenters & Days, 2 days conference with industry partners. Moderator and delivered a speech on “Big data analytics challenges and opportunities in the energy industry”. Sweden, June 2014.
Workshop on Big Data Analytics with Ericsson, Sweden, May 2014.
Presentation to ABB, “Big data analytics”, Sweden, March 2014.
CENTERIS, Lisbon, Portugal, October 2014.
NOKOBIT, Fredrikstad, Norway, November 2014.
NOKOBIT, Stavanger, Norway, November 2013.
System- och rymdteknik (SRT) Seminar: a talk on “Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises”, LTU, Sweden, May 2013.
A talk at Luleå Univesity of Technology. Title “ERP Implementations Cost Management”, Sweden, February 2013.
CENTERIS, Algarve, Portugal, October, 2012.
CENTERIS, Algarve, Portugal, October, 2011. (Two presentations)
“Conducting Case Studies in PhD”, an invited talk at the German University in Cairo, August, 2011.
ECIS Doctoral Consortium and conference, Helsinki, Finland, June, 2011.
EMCIS2011, Athens, Greece, May, 2011.
HICSS 44, Kauai, Hawaii, USA, January, 2011. (Two papers)
CENTERIS, Viana Do Castello, Portugal, October, 2010.
PhD days in Oslo, Norway, February, 2010.
PhD days in Oslo, Norway, September, 2009
IRIS 32, Molde, Norway, August, 2009.
An invited talk on ERP Cost Estimation Models for SMEs. The faculty of engineering, University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway.
An invited talk on ERP Cost Estimation at the EU Funded project “Methodologies for Interactive Networked Enterprises (MINE)” 7th workshop & Information and Software Technologies conference (IT 2009), Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, April, 2009.
ICCTA IEEE, Alexandria, Egypt, July 2005.