In the News

An interview published on Forskining.no (https://forskning.no/data-hoyskolen-kristiania-internett/gameren-som-ble-professor-mange-mente-at-jeg-aldri-ville-fa-til-noe-for-jeg-var-sa-opptatt-av-spillkonsoller-og-datamaskiner/2138079)
Moutaz Haddara in the AD Scientific Index of 2023 https://www.adscientificindex.com/scientist/moutaz-haddara-moataz-hadara-/1809999
Moutaz Haddara in the AD Scientific Index of 2022. https://www.adscientificindex.com/scientist.php?id=1809999
«هدارة» يقتنى ساعة عقربها يتحرك عكس الزمن, كتب: أحمد مصطفى | العدد: 6615 المصري اليوم معتز https://www.almasryalyoum.com/news/details/2650139
Recognitions & Awards
Certificate of excellence in teaching by SP Jain School of Global Management for the high student evaluations.
“ICT in Our Lives Conference Keynote Speaker”, University of Alexandria, December, 2018.
“Certificate of Appreciation and Gratitude, Arab Academy for Science and Technology, Alexandria, Egypt, December, 2018.
“Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing” Journal of Future Computer Systems, Elsevier.
“Teacher of the Year Award” Nomination for the year 2013/2014. Luleå University of Technology, Sweden.
Techne Summit Award, “Appreciation of Your Outstanding Contribution in Techne Summit 2015”. Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt.
Research and Teaching Fellowship, Centre of Enterprise Systems, University of Agder, Norway, 2009.
Award for Outstanding Contribution to Faculty Services & for Outstanding Performance and Lasting Contribution to the German University in Cairo during 2005/2006. The German University in Cairo, October 2006.
Certificate of Recognition for Supporting and Showing Commitment and Devotion to Teaching, MIS Department Website, and Orientation Catalogue. Arab Academy for Science and Technology. March 2005.
Certificate of Recognition and Appreciation for the Outstanding Devotion and Support to the MIS Major Students Throughout the Period 2000/2001. Arab Academy for Science and Technology. July 2001.
Nominated by UIA and accepted by ECIS 2011 committee to present my work at ECIS’ Doctoral Consortium.
Highest Honors for graduating 2nd on the master’s degree class with a GPA 3.94/4.0.